PULSE Magazine | October 2019 Issue
All percentages are for FY2019
Fleet Collisions 69% of our total collisions have been preventable by the driver. 23% of our preventable collisions are due to spatial awareness on the right side of the unit.
11% of our preventable collisions are due to pivot point errors. 10% of our preventable collisions are due to backing skill errors. 26% of our preventable collisions happen between the hours of 1800-2200. 24% of our preventable collisions occur on Friday.
Driving Pearls To avoid following too closely, allow yourself at least 3-4 seconds following distance in good conditions, more if weather and road conditions are less than optimum. A vehicle’s Total Stopping Distance is the combination of perception distance plus reaction distance plus braking distance. As a reminder, our ambulances weigh 4 to 5 times more than the average passenger car or mid-sized SUV and they take longer and further to stop. “Recalibrate” your needed stopping distance to allow for the heavier ambulance when on the job. When backing or maneuvering on a scene, you may need more than one backer just because of scene circumstances. Don’t hesitate to enlist the aid of firefighters or police officers to act as a ground guide / backer. Some of our backing collisions could have been prevented by use of a second backer / ground guide. When backing, don’t forget to think about the front end of the unit. When turning and backing, the front end will swing and can easily strike objects. Drivers, do a 360° walk around of your ambulance before getting in the drivers seat. OJI’s and Exposures 20% of our reported OJI’s dealt with body movement; 26% of those involved getting in and out of the ambulance. 24% of our reported OJI’s were exposures; 50% of exposures occurred in the back of the unit.
***You can prevent your exposure***
19% of reported OJI’s involved a combative patient.
Prevention is Key
Utilize good body mechanics Get plenty of rest prior to your shift and come prepared to work Exercise and good diet are proven methods to prevent injury and illness Recognize high risk patients for exposures Wear your PPE
As a reminder, our Sharps Shuttles are single use devices . Once used, they should be locked closed and promptly disposed of in a larger Sharps Container as biohazardous waste. They should not be reused.
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