PULSE Magazine | October 2018 Issue PE
COMMUNICATIONS Call of the Quarter
Kyrstin Larose / Esme Harvey
You all may remember reading about Kyrstin and Esme in last month’s PULSE. They received a very touching letter recognizing them for their role in the care of one of our citizens. Here is an excerpt from the letter received by the department:
“We don't underestimate all the events that followed, the CPR, the shocking of her heart, all the medication, and all the care that got her to the hospital including her first helicopter ride, the great care at the hospital by dedicated people, and many, many prayers from all over the country, but you got it started on the right track. What you did was amazing and even though I don't know a name or a face, we will be eternally grateful for what you did.”
- Ron and Lorraine
I now ask you all to join us in recognizing these two communications medics for winning Call of the Quarter. Keep up the great work!
Captain Nikki Alston, QA/ QI - Communications
Kyrstin Larose
Esme Harvey
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