PULSE Magazine | May 2019 Issue
Meet-A-Medic: Iraj Lotfalian, Medic-Field
I’m Iraj Lotfalian, currently I’m one of the newest members of ATCEMS Field medics. I used to be a fire fighter for 3 years and I served in USAF for 4 years as Aerospace Medical Techni- cian. I’m back in school and plan to eventually get my degree as a PA. I spend my free time outdoors, usually swimming or paddle boarding, but most of the time traveling cause there is nothing better than swimming in a new lake, river or ocean.
Where are you from originally and what brought you to Austin? I’m originally from Iran, and I’ve been in Austin for 6 years. I originally came to Austin to pursue higher education and my dreams as a basketball player (I played semi-professional basketball overseas in Turkey). What inspired you to become a medic/What attracted you to this career choice? I always liked the idea of practicing medicine, and since I was a kid I wanted to be doctor. As a medic, I get to practice medicine in a fast paced environment and with different daily challenges. I know that we all have bad days; I like being able to help someone else on their bad day and hopefully make a positive impact. How long have you been with ATCEMS and what motivated you to work here? I have been with ATCEMS since October 2018 as part of the last hiring group. I enjoy being able to see all different parts of my city, and I like the variety of calls I get here. If you had guests visiting Austin for the weekend, where is the first place you would take them? I would take them to Elephant Room , which is a jazz bar, for live music and then a walk around the Capitol building at night. What is your favorite taco joint in town? I don’t discriminate against tacos, each one has its own beauty and taste. What do you do on your days to relax and unwind? I go to live jazz and blues events, and hiking the many trails of Austin never fails.
Who inspires you? My father.
What is the next place you would like to visit? Why? I’d like to visit Alaska and hike in the pure nature up there. I love the cold. I also might try bow hunting.
Word of advice for an aspiring medic? It’s never too late to go back to school and learn more.
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