PULSE Magazine | May 2019 Issue
While on the way to a car seat event last Friday Clinical Specialist Jason Cantu noticed a dog running in the road followed by people trying to catch it. He slowed his vehicle and opened the door and the dog jumped in with- out hesitation. He stopped to talk to the peo- ple chasing the dog and discovered that the owner was not among them. Having to get to the car seat event, Jason decided to take the beautiful German Shepherd with him and track down the owner. The dog had a collar that identified her name as “Iris” but the phone number on the collar had been disconnected. Jason contacted EMS Communications who connected him with
Austin 311 and Animal Control. However, Jason was informed that the estimated wait time was 2 – 72 hours for Animal Control to arrive and take custody of the dog. So Iris remained with Jason for the entire car seat event. When Jason returned to EMS Headquarters he enlisted the help of Clemente Leal and they decided to try and visit the address on the name tag to return the dog. When they arrived at the residence they found what seemed to be an abandoned home. The front door was wide open but no one an- swered when they called out. Fearing some- one may be hurt inside the home Jason called for the help of APD.
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