PULSE Magazine | May 2019 Issue
Memorial Day Flags for Veterans at the Texas State Cemetery
On Veterans Day 2015, while visiting the grave of his grandfather at a Redding, CA cemetery, then 10 year old Preston Sharp noticed the lack of flags or flowers on the graves to honor local veterans. This both troubled and inspired Preston. He was distressed that our local veterans were going unrecognized on such a momentous day and motivated to do something to change it. That day, Preston set a goal to place a flag and flower on the graves of each of those veterans at McDonald's cemetery, but that goal quickly grew to include other Redding area cemeteries and from there has grown to include cemeteries across the United States. To date, Preston has organized the placement of more than 180,000 flags and red carnations on veterans headstones. With the assistance of local community groups and public safety organizations, including Austin-Travis County EMS, Preston is making sure that our Veterans are not forgotten. He encourages us to take the time to say "Thank You" to those that have provided their services to our country, not just on Memorial Day but throughout the year.
Special thanks to ATCEMS Division Chief Ed Piker and the M06 crew of Ross Copland and Duane Ramos who helped place American flags on the gravesites of our fallen heroes.
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