PULSE Magazine | March 2019 Issue
During recent shift at M24 Clinical Specialist P. Riefel & Medic B. Jones responded to a structure fire. Upon arrival they were informed a dog was trapped inside the residence. The Austin Fire Department and Travis County Fire Rescue /ESD 11 were able to rescue the dog from the house. ATCEMS crew members Pete and Benjamin received the distressed dog from the fire department. The crew was able to successfully revive this much loved dog. Their success was aided by using the pet oxygen masks that ATCEMS stocks on all of their ambulances! Audrey the dog was barely breathing when she was rescued. The quick action of our outstanding medics and the use of the pet o2 mask helped save the life of Audrey the wonder dog. Audrey made a full recovery and was happily wagging her tail as she received hugs from her grateful owner. ALL LIVES ARE PRECIOUS WAY TO GO! Pete Riefel and Benjamin Jones save a BEST FRIEND from smoke inhalation.
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