PULSE Magazine | February 2019 Issue
FLASHBACK: ATCEMS Director and EMS Trailblazer Dennis Simmons
Recently we were contacted by former EMS De- partment Director, Dennis Simmons, who began his career with the City of Austin’s EMS Depart- ment in December 1975 as an EMT/Paramedic. He quickly rose through the ranks, serving as Shift Supervisor, Operations Supervisor, and Deputy Director. He was named Director in February of 1983 when Sue Edwards was transferred to the Tax Office and was subsequently named Assistant City Manager. During his nearly 10 years with EMS Department, Dennis was part of the rapid growth and dramatic increase in sophistication of the service, and his many accomplishments highlight his aggressive and innovative leadership. He served on the City’s original 911 Committee to help plan and imple- ment the emergency phone system and presided over the City’s Disaster Management Committee. Mr. Simmons was instrumental in developing and implementing a station location study conducted with the LBJ School of Public Affairs and in devel- oping the department’s basic service delivery sys- tem. His commitment to public education led him to develop contractual arrangements to have CPR taught in all AISD schools. Simmons’ commitment to excellence in all aspects of the service provided the groundwork for the department to achieve national recognition when
it received the EMS System of the Year Award in 1984. But perhaps Simmons’ proudest achievement was the development and implementation of the STAR Flight helicopter ambulance program, operated cooperatively with Brackenridge Hospital and Travis County. Simmons has said STAR Flight was the most significant development of the EMS pro- gram, second only to its original establishment as a city department. Simmons’ loyalty and long years of dedicated ser- vice left a deep and indelible impression on the entire EMS Department developing it into what he calls a “First Class EMS System” and because of the support and dedication of all EMS personnel throughout the years this is never more true than today. After leaving the City of Austin Mr. Simmons spent two years in the managed healthcare indus- try in Temple Texas before becoming a consultant to foreign governments and companies. He was stationed in the Middle East from 1987-1992 and participated in Desert Shield and Desert Storm. From 1992-1999 he consulted with Physician Practice Management and two public companies located in St. Louis and New York City.
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