PULSE Magazine | August 2019 Issue

recalled a conversation I had with a colleague the previous year and he was considering a career with ATCEMS. He had completed all the research and told me that it was one of the best EMS systems in the country. I took the magazine article as sign to apply and not long after that I found myself in Austin work- ing for ATCEMS. It was a win-win.

What is your favorite part about working here at ATCEMS?

One of the best things about working here is a sense of everyone wanting to clinically practice at the highest possible level and hold ourselves to a high standard. I have had the privilege of working next to some of the best pro- viders around. I also have the honor being reassigned to Recruiting were I enjoying taking time to talk to potential applicants about ATCEMS. There are so many good things about working here so it’s easy to go on about all the positive aspects of this department.

If you had guests visiting Austin for the weekend, where is the first place you would take them?

Salzburg Austria

I would take them to Lady Bird Lake for a walk on the trail and to the green belt for a hike.

What is your favorite taco joint in town?

Hands down Veracruz Tacos. There is usually a wait but it’s worth it as every taco is made fresh.

What do you do on your days to relax and unwind?

Depends on the day and how I feel. I paint art, hit the hike/bike trails around Austin, or paddle board. Spring and fall involves as much camping as I can squeeze in on week- ends before the summer heat rolls in. I once spent 30 days living/camping in a 1977 VW bus driving up the Appalachi- an Trail to Bethel, NY where Woodstock was held.

Who inspires you?

My grandmother was my inspiration. She taught me to be strong yet humble. She was a nurse and was the most compassionate and non-judgmental person I knew.

What is the next place you would like to visit? Why?

I have a goal to travel around the world much like my grandmother. I take an overseas trip every year and next year I’m planning on going to parts of Asia, starting with Vietnam. I have bounced around Europe several times and now it’s time to go the other direction to experience new cultures, traditions, and people.

Word of advice for an aspiring medic?

Never stop learning as the medical field is ever evolving. This is also a service to the community and you should be prepared to be that for your patients. There is automatically a lot of respect from the public when you put on that uniform each day. Wear it with mutual respect to the citizens and patients you care for.


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