ATCEMS EA Meet & Confer Agreement 2018
By agreement of the ASSOCIATION President and the City Manager, the list of special events may be changed during the life of this Agreement.
b) The term "significant schedule change" means a change to a Uniformed Staff member's regularly assigned duty-hours or days off initiated or approved by the Chief or his/her designee.
Holdover Pay for Split Shifts
Section 2.
Uniformed Staff members who are assigned split 24-hour shifts (e.g., 6am-6pm, 8pm-8am) will be compensated at their regular rate for all hours in-between, and the in– between time will be counted as hours worked for overtime purposes.
Section 3.
Advance Notice of Significant Schedule Change
a) It is recognized that Command Staff, through the authority of the Chief, retains the right to adjust work schedules, days off, and other similar conditions of employment within the Department. Except for normal shift rotations, for significant schedule changes that are determined far enough in advance, the Department will provide a twenty-eight (28) calendar day notice to the affected employee. Advance notice of the assignment change may be waived by the Chief or his designee, if prior notice is not in the best interest of the Department or in any emergency situations. Advance notice of the assignment change may be waived by the employee. In the event of special hardship, an affected employee may appeal to the Chief for consideration of temporary scheduling or other adjustments to reduce or address personal hardships. The final decision to implement any schedule change, with or without notice, shall be retained by the Chief and is not subject to the grievance procedure set out in this Agreement. a) A Uniformed Staffmember subjected to a significant schedule change to perform duties at a Special Event will be provided a twenty-eight (28) calendar-day notice of the schedule change. If such notice is not possible, the Uniformed Staffmember will be granted 24 hours of Administrative Leave. Failure to utilize anypart of these hours by December 31st of the year accrued will result in forfeiture of the accrued Administrative Leave hours. b) When the ASSOCIATION President knows or should know of the Department's failure to provide advance notice as required by this Section, the ASSOCIATION President shall promptly notify the Chief or his/her designee and the Labor Relations Office. Section 4. Advance Notice of Significant Schedule Changes for Special Events
This Section shall not apply to:
(1) A significant schedule change caused, less than twenty-eight (28) days prior to the Special Event, by the need to back-fill for a Uniformed Staff member who had previously received the advanced notice, or who was otherwise scheduled for that Special Event, but who is not available for the assignment. 58
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