ATCEMS EA Meet & Confer Agreement 2018
avoid loss of pay. No Uniformed Staff shall be permitted to bank more than four hundred and eighty (480) hours of such donated leave for each FMLA qualifying event in accordance with FMLA regulations. Donated leave may only be used for the Uniformed Staff to whom the leave was donated. In the event that all of the donated leave time is not used, the CITY shall redistribute hours that are unused to the donating employees' leave accounts on a prorated basis from the leave account(s) from which they were donated. If the total number of eligible donating employees exceeds the total number of hours of unused donated leave, no leave is restored. The number of hours restored to a donating employee will never result in the donating employee having leave accrued above the maximum allowed. Unused donated leave is not restored to a donating employee who retires from City service, dies, or otherwise separates from City service before the date the unused leave can be restored.
Section 3.
Separation Pay for Sick Leave Hours
a) Separation pay for accrued sick leave will be paid only to Uniformed Staff with at least twelve (12) years of actual service who separate in good standing. No more than 360 hours accrued prior to October 1, 2013 are eligible for payment of accrued sick leave on separation.
b) The maximum accrued sick leave payable on separation will be 90 days (1080 hours).
Holiday Pay
All Uniformed Staff shall receive exception vacation, personal holiday time, and December 25 Holiday pay as provided by CITY policy on the effective date of this Agreement.
Section 2.
Vacation Accrual Rate
All Uniformed Staff shall accrue regular vacation leave at the rate of 7.5 hours for each of the twenty-four (24) annual pay periods.
Accrual Caps and Separation Pay for Vacation and Exception
Section 3. Vacation
Vacation Accrual Caps
All Uniformed Staff may accrue up to four hundred and forty-five (445) hours of vacation.
Exception Vacation Accrual Caps
All Uniformed Staffmay accrue up to two hundred and six (206) hours of exception vacation.
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