ATCEMS EA Meet & Confer Agreement 2018
Shift Incentive Pay may be available for Uniformed Staffmembers covered by this Agreement who qualify for the pay on the same terms and conditions applicable for non-public safety employees of the CITY.
For FY 2021- 2022 the following Shift Differential shall apply instead of Shift Incentive Pay:
Uniformed Staff assigned 12-hour shifts will receive shift differential pay in the amount of $100.00 per month whenever the majority of their assigned shift falls between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.
Uniformed Staff assigned a 12-hour shift schedule will receive $100.00 per month for their assigned 12-hour shift.
Uniformed Staffwho are assigned to a shift which qualifies for both Shift Differentials are able to receive both differential pays.
Section 8.
Field Training Officer Pay
Field training officer (FTO) pay shall be paid at the effective rate of one hundred and seventy five ($175.00) per month to each Uniformed Staffmember assigned in the FTO program, based on criteria established by the Chief. This payment shall not be made to Uniformed Staff assigned to the Training Division, or to the FTO Program Coordinator.
Section 9.
Paramedic Certification Incentive
Beginning with FY 2021-2022, employees at the rank of Medic who hold a current EMT– Paramedic certification shall be paid at the effective rate of two hundred dollars ($200.00) per month.
Section 10. Monthly Paid Compensation
It is expressly understood and agreed that the CITY reserves the right to pro-rate and pay all monthly payments in bi-weekly equivalents.
Section 11. Assistant Chiefs
The Chiefhas the right to set wages and benefits for the Assistant Chiefs, subject to the approval of the City Council as a part of the budget. The Chief may designate one Assistant Chief as the Executive Assistant or Chief of Staff, who may receive an additional stipend for Chief of Staff pay. Additional performance pay may be awarded in the Chiefs discretion.
Section 12. Preemption
Pay provisions in this Article shall not be changed during the term of this Agreement, and shall totally preempt any contrary provisions in Chapters 141, 142, and 143 of the Local Government Code. 7
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