ATCEMS 2014 Annual Report
Emergency Communications is the very first interaction with our customers, making key decisions that impact the members of our community, and delivering life-saving care through advanced pre-arrival instructions. The EMS Communications center is a vital link between the community and a quick response for medical assis- tance. EMS Communications is responsible for receiving 911 calls, triaging and dispatching of medical resources. For certain call types, such as cardiac arrest, Communica- tion Medics provide instruction on CPR or other life saving techniques.
Our Communications staff is constantly working to maintain and improve the quality of the service we provide every day.
• 126,106 - 911 Calls for Service • 121,067 - Incidents Managed
• 3,399 - Incidents Reviewed by the Performance Improvement (PI) Team • 98.99%-Compliance with Medical Priority Dispatch System Protocol
Accomplishments • Conducted a study to develop a National Benchmark for Cardiac Arrest. • Submitted 4 proposals for improvement to National Protocols for Cardiac Arrest Care. • Worked with the Office of the Medical Director to Implement “In-Patient” Assessment Protocol. • Continues to work with San Antonio to develop a Continuity of Operations Plan.
Adam Johnson, Division Chief Emergency Communications
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